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Upcoming Hoffmann RAAM Events

5:00 PM17:00

Matt Hoffmann RAAM Happy Hour

Join us for a happy hour and progress report on Matt Hoffmann RAAM on Thursday, February 12, 2015! Come on. You know you wanna, because Thursday is the new Friday, and Saturday and Sunday make 48 hours combined rest and relaxation.

An early evening with a free drink per person, plus the unlimited amounts of the ultimate cycling racing food: Belgian Pomme Frites (french fries for you Yanks!). Come meet Matt to chat him up about his training and preparation for solo RAAM 2015. He may be slowly descending into madness by this point, so catch him before he slips all the way. If you're a bit sadistic, come chat to the Matt Hoffmann RAAM Crew and they'll bore you silly with the finer points or sandwich making in the back on minivan traveling at 15 mph for 3,000+ miles. What would cause Equal Earth to sponsor such madness, you ask? They'll probably be someone there from EE as well to pinch hit the hardball questions like that.

It's all really a reason to keep Matt's spirits high as he piles on the miles and the task of racing his bicycle cross country solo looms ever closer. Plus, you'll probably run into scores of other friends you have not seen in a while, or maybe meet someone new, who is a big a bike nerd as you.

The event location is not set, but we're always partial to our cycling brethren of Automatic Brewing of San Diego, whether it's at their Blind Lady Ale House (BLAH) location or their sister location, Tiger!Tiger! Tavern. Check back soon for exact location and a link to an RSVP list. It would be nice to know if we are gonna see your chubby cheeks there that night!

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5:00 PM17:00

Matt Hoffmann RAAM Launch Party

Join us for the launch of Matt Hoffmann RAAM!

An early evening full-catered happy hour and food tasting, featuring select video clips from the original Race Across America (a.k.a America's Bicycle Race), Matt's successful RAW 2014, followed by a Q&A with the lead guest of the evening, Matt Hoffmann. This event is taking place on Friday, November 21 in Solana Beach, CA. It's an invite only event, but have no fear, we'll have another open house event for all those interested in hearing Matt's story during the early winter in San Diego.

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